UFO Fleet Spotted Over Hurricane: Satellite Captures Unbelievable Footage


As we have mentioned on more than one occasion, mystery shrouds every unknown object, especially when it moves through space. UFOs that may be traveling on some secret mission across the skies of Earth remain completely enigmatic to us. These unidentified flying objects might be arriving from space, or perhaps from various parts of our own planet, including the moon or any base within the solar system.

Sometimes, we may mistake some unknown objects for satellites or even high-altitude aircraft. However, if you look closely, you might notice significant differences between human-made devices and those that do not belong to this world. Many of these interstellar ships could be disguised as approaching asteroids.

On July 2, 2019, in the Mexican coast, UFOs were captured by a satellite, as we will see below, and recorded by a YouTuber named MrMBB333 during the eclipse that took place just days earlier. This eclipse was observable in all its splendor in Argentina, Chile, and possibly other Latin American countries. The satellite captured some dark shadows in a meteorological map of hurricanes, which could be seen as mere reflections from the eclipse’s shadows. However, upon closer inspection, these shadows do not match the eclipse shadows. Skeptics argue that what we are actually seeing is a fleet of UFOs flying over the hurricane and towards its eye.

If you observe carefully, you will notice that they all fly towards the hurricane’s eye as if it were an opening through which they could pass unnoticed by us. It seems plausible that the aliens might want to fly to a submarine base without being detected, given that this occurs in the open sea. According to the individual who brought these recordings to light, these supposed aliens created the hurricane to fly over it and enter the base without being detected.

This raises a question: would extraterrestrials deliberately create a hurricane, endangering human lives in the process of hiding? If they can indeed do this, it suggests not only that they are a highly advanced civilization but also that humanity matters very little to them if they are capable of creating such dangerous phenomena. They have been seen creating clouds, storms, lightning, tornadoes, and even earthquakes, and unidentified objects have been spotted activating volcanoes worldwide.

UFOs are frequently seen during natural disasters, which is significant evidence that they might be creating or provoking these events. The hurricane we are observing might have been created supposedly to access a submarine base.

On July 1, 2019, in the Grand Canyon of Arizona, USA, a unique video shows two white UFOs flying through the canyon. The UFOs are only visible for a few seconds in the clip, but slowing down the video reveals these objects flying at high speed, appearing very real to earn the name UFOs. They enter at a 45-degree angle and disappear behind some hills in the canyon. The canyon is deep enough to accommodate even an F-18 Super Hornet, making it an excellent location for an entrance to a subterranean base. Some residents claim there is a covered entrance to an alien city at the bottom of the canyon, estimated to be about four to five kilometers below the surface.

Scott Waring believes someone should investigate this area with laser mapping to uncover its true design and possibly find an access door. This recording was made by pilot Mike, showing two highly reflective objects crossing the Grand Canyon before disappearing from sight. Could there really be an alien base as the locals claim?

The imposing asteroid FT3 is expected to pass by our planet on October 3, 2019. NASA anticipates this will be the first of 165 close approaches between 2019 and 2116. While the risk of a cataclysmic impact is low, if the asteroid deviates towards Earth, the consequences could be catastrophic. Measuring approximately 1,115 feet (340 meters) in diameter, if FT3 ever struck Earth, it would hit at 20.37 kilometers per second, or over 45,500 meters per hour, with an impact force equal to 2,700 megatons of TNT.

The first potential impact date is October 3 of this year, followed by a small chance on October 2, 2024, and again on October 3, 2025. The asteroid FT3 follows an orbit similar to the Apollo asteroid 1862, orbiting the sun within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Discovered by NASA on March 20, 2007, FT3’s orbit has been confirmed through 14 observations. As the orbit refines, the probability of impact will either drop to zero or continue to increase until it reaches 100%.

So, what are the chances of this asteroid hitting Earth in October? Fortunately, the risk is incredibly low, but not nonexistent. There is a small possibility that FT3 could crash into us in the next three months.

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