The man panicked when he took his hand out of the lake when a strange phenomenon appeared, thousands of fish suddenly emerged – video

Have you ever experienced a strange event that left you bewildered and perplexed? The man in our story had that experience, which he will never forget. While fishing in a lake, he panicked when he took his hand out of the water and saw thousands of fish suddenly emerge.

What could have caused this phenomenon? Is it a sign of something dangerous, or just a natural occurrence? Let’s dig deeper and find out.

The cause of the phenomenon


There are many reasons why thousands of fish can suddenly surface, but one of the most common causes is a lack of oxygen in the water. When oxygen levels are low, fish are forced to surface to breathe.

Another cause could be a sudden change in water temperature. This can happen when the sun suddenly warms the surface of the water, causing fish to seek cooler temperatures near the surface.

Some experts also suggest that the phenomenon could be due to an increase in the number of predatory fish in the lake. When predators are present, prey fish are more likely to swim to the surface in an attempt to escape.

What to do if you encounter the phenomenon

If you find yourself in a situation where thousands of fish suddenly emerge, there are a few things you should do to ensure their safety.

First of all, don’t panic. While the sight of so many fish can be overwhelming, it is not necessarily dangerous.

Secondly, be careful not to harm any of the fish. Many species of fish are protected by law and harming them can result in serious fines or legal action.

Finally, if you are concerned about the health of the lake or fish, contact your local environmental agency. They can investigate the situation and take appropriate action if necessary.


In conclusion, the phenomenon of thousands of fish suddenly breaking the surface can be a fascinating sight to witness. While it may seem strange, it is generally a natural occurrence that is not harmful to humans.

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