Lizard’s unforgettable supermarket adventure captivates the Internet.

Video about a giant lizard in a supermarket: What happens if you find yourself trapped in a store with a giant lizard? Maybe it scares you to death or maybe you think you’ve walked into a Hollywood movie.


Something similar to the previous incident occurred in Thailand: a giant lizard was seen in a supermarket knocking items off the shelves. After seeing the gigantic creature, customers began to scream.


The video of the giant lizard in the supermarket is going viral Take a look

This huge reptile is called a monitor lizard and is commonly found in Thailand. The monitor lizard is native to Africa and Asia.


In the video you can see this giant creature, which weighs between 80 and 90 kg and is approximately 2.6 m long, crawling along the shelves, scattering items everywhere.

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