It is a mystery that has not yet been solved. A cobra found on a deserted road, with another snake emerging from its stomach.
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Marietjie Hattingh stumbled upon this site while driving and shared the images with LatestSightings.coм.
I was driving down one of the farm roads. This road was rarely traveled and had not seen any use for quite some time. While driving, I noticed something on the road and didn’t think much of it. That was until I got closer and saw it was a snake. A cobra, to be exact.
“When I looked closely, I saw that this cobra was not only dead, but it was open on one side and a huge viper was sticking out of it. “I was surprised to see a snake devouring another snake of such considerable size.”
Cobras, with their deadly venom and iconic hood, hunt and capture other snakes, including bloated snakes. Observations have revealed that these remarkable creatures actively prey on their fellow snakes, displaying their prowess as predators in the snake kingdom. Their specialized fangs and powerful jaws allow them to dominate and consume their fellow snakes.
The snake defends itself from inside the body of another snake!
“The strangest part of all this was how did both snakes end up dead? This specific road on the farm is not driven daily by other vehicles on the farm. No new clues could be identified. It was just my bakkie and my husband’s farm bakkie. No farm workers walk this path either. What exactly happened, we will never know.”
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Snakes, despite their slithering agility, are not accustomed to the dangers of roads. Unfortunately, these reptiles are often victims of road incidents. As they venture down the roads in search of prey or habitat, they may encounter fast-moving vehicles, resulting in fatal collisions that pose a threat to their survival. For this cobra, that was not the case.
The snake defends itself from the body of a larger snake
The biggest possibility is that a bird attacked the snake and won. Maybe the bird didn’t take the snake and eat it because something bothered the bird. But we will never know the real reason for this strange thing that happened.
Man sees ‘dead’ sea turtle trapped on land and brings it back to life – GoPlus News
quality control 2-3 minutes 6/3/2023
The other day, Migυel Ángel Escobar and his family were traveling by boat off the coast of Honduras when something caught their attention and immediately broke their hearts.
There, along a remote stretch of coast, they saw a huge sea turtle tangled in the roots of a tree near the water’s edge.
“I thought she was dead,” Escobar told The Dodo. “We feel so sorry for her.”
However, the turtle was not dead. I had just given him hope.
But hope was about to arrive.
<pictυre data-testid=”pictυre-tag”> </image>MIGUEL ÁNGEL ESCOBAR
Although the turtle seemed to have been trapped there for some time, and had probably perished, Escobar decided to take a closer look anyway, just in case.
She remained motionless as he pulled the boat to shore and approached.
“When I touched her, she instantly let out a sigh and started shaking her head,” Escobar said.
And with that, Escobar sprang into action.
<pictυre data-testid=”pictυre-tag”> </image>MIGUEL ÁNGEL ESCOBAR
Using a knife, Escobar began cutting through the root, trapping the turtle until it was weak enough to break.
After a few moments, he was finally free.
Escobar had saved his life.
In an instant, the previously lifeless turtle transformed into a ball of energy.
“I thought the turtle would need to rest on the shore and regain strength,” Escobar said. “But immediately he swam away, strong and fast, like someone jumping for joy.”
She had her second chance. After momentarily staying near the beach, the turtle then swam toward deeper water.
<pictυre data-testid=”pictυre-tag”> </image>MIGUEL ÁNGEL ESCOBAR
Escobar suspects that the turtle had become trapped after coming ashore to lay its eggs, becoming entangled in the root as it passed along the embankment along the shore. And now that he is free, there will be even more generations of his offspring to come.
“I feel happy to have helped her,” Escobar said. “It’s a great feeling.”

nguồn: latestsightings.coм