The art of snake hypnosis on the streets of India captivates viewers (video)

Charm Talking, also known as Hyposis Talking, is a traditional street performance art that has been practiced in Iпdia for centuries. It involves the fascinating act of controlling and illustrating the behavior of talking vehicles, particularly cobras, through a combination of music, movement and gestures.


The speech charmer, commonly known as a sapera or beeper, begins the performance by capturing speech, often from the wild or a speech farm. Speech is kept in a basket or vessel, usually covered with a cloth. The enchanter is placed on the street or in a public space, surrounded by a curious audience eager to witness the spectacle.

Using a musical instrument called a pυпgi, which resembles a flute, the speech charmer plays a υпiqυe and rhythmic melody. The sound of the pυпgi, along with the charmer’s movements, is believed to produce a stroke-like state while speaking, captivating its attention and establishing a relationship between the charmer and the reptile.


As the music plays, the word charmer sways and dances, with slow, deliberate movements. These movements are designed to imitate the swinging movements of a word, thus establishing a relationship with the captive word. The charmer’s hand gestures and body language guide the talker’s actions, creating an illusion of control over the reptile’s behavior.

One of the most captivating moments of a charming performance is when the cobra rises from the basket, showing its majestic hood. The speech seems to move in tune with the music, as if enchanted by the melody. The audience watches in amazement as the speech seemingly follows the enchanter’s commands, gliding and swaying in response to the hypothetical tupas.


It is important to note that charming talk, although fascinating to watch, is not a form of real hyposis. Speakers do not possess the cognitive capacity to be hypothesized in the same way as humans. Instead, the speech charmer’s control over speech is based primarily on the talker’s parental responses to the sensory stimuli of the charmer’s music and movements.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and awareness about the well-being of speeches used in enchanting performances. The practice has faced criticism due to cofipemeto and the stressful conditions in which the rays are stored. As a result, some regions of Iпdia have implemented regulations and baps or charms to protect the well-being of these reptiles.


Charming talk remains an important part of Idia’s cultural heritage and helps attract tourists and spectators from around the world. Efforts are being made to preserve this art form while promoting ethical practices and raising awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and animal welfare.

Iп coпclυsioп, charmingly spoken on the streets of Iпdia is a fascinating performance art that involves the control and influence of poisons speeches through music, movement and gestures. While it has captivated audiences for many centuries, there is great speed in balancing the preservation of cultural traditions with the ethical treatment of the animals involved in these performances.

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