Strong and extraordinary male lions fight to prove their strength and claim the throne. It can be said that this is the kingly battle of the cruel steppe lords.
Recently, retired scientist Steven Underwood, now an amateur photographer, while visiting the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, captured a dramatic, realistic scene of the dramatic battle of two lions . male death .
According to photographer Steven, two male lions fight extremely aggressively, fiercely because they fight for dominance in the herd.

“Although the two male lions are very likely to be brothers, their rivalry for dominance is extremely fierce. With their sharp fangs and sharp talons, the battle is fierce. Theirs is serious and intense,” Steven said.

The photographer also added that he was amazed when he witnessed first-hand the powerful and extraordinary male lions fighting to prove their strength and claim the throne.
It can be said that this is the king’s battle of the steppe lords .
According to research, lions are revered as the kings of the steppe, they stand at the top of the food chain with the status of powerful predators. Tragically, the population of lions is plummeting, largely due to conflict with humans and loss of habitat.
For that reason, male lions often face fierce competition for the top throne in the herd, gaining the right to mate with females.